
The current Threatened Species Strategy​ lists more than 700 species as being threatened. It has been in place for more than 20 years and needs to be updated.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas) is developing a new Threatened Species Strategy to guide Tasmania’s actions to support our plants and animals in surviving. The discussion paper is the first step in developing a new strategy that will consider how the department can improve knowledge, tools, and understanding of emerging threats including climate change, invasive species, and new diseases.

The discussion paper is available from Developing a new threatened species strategy for Tasmania – Discussion Paper. NRE Tas encourages us to have our say in how Tasmania can protect, recover, and value our threatened species now and into the future.

Feedback on the discussion paper can be done through either a written submission or a survey form and is open until 5 pm, Friday 22 December 2023.

More information is available from Threatened Species Strategy Discussion Paper, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania: