

Submitting images for sharing on social media
You may be aware that the Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club is now on Instagram and also Facebook. We use these platforms to post updates on the latest speakers we have at our monthly get togethers and where our monthly excursions will be. We also share articles and posts from other organisations which we [...]
Excursion Guidelines
We have recently updated our 'Excursion Guidelines'. These guidelines just give you an idea about what is expected on a TFNC excursion, what you might need to bring, and most importantly, some useful reminders on bush weed and disease hygiene. You can download the PDF here
Special General Meeting – Proposed Changes to the TFNC Club Rules
Proposed Changes to the TFNC Club Rules Special Resolution for the TFNC General Meeting, Thursday 4th July 2024 At the June meeting of the TFNC Committee we agreed to present to a General Meeting of the TFNC a Special Resolution (see below) inserting a clause into the Club Rules. The Special Resolution to be implemented needs to be passed at a General Meeting of the [...]
NatureTrackers Call for Bat Roosting sites
The Bookend Trust, through the NatureTrackers program, has recently launched the CallTrackers project – so anyone in Tasmania can help monitor bats through recording their calls. To build software able to identify bat species from recorded calls, they need lots of recordings of calls where bats have been identified. They are looking for bat roosts! They can identify [...]
Coastal Weed Warning – Rice Grass
Rice Grass (Spartina anglica) Warning A new and potentially devastating weed has recently been detected in the Huon and D’Entrecasteaux Channel waterway. Known as an “ecosystem transformer”, Rice Grass (Spartina anglica) forms dense and impenetrable mats that trap silt and destroy beaches and coastal habitats. This summer, Huon Valley Council will work with Kingborough Council and Tasmania Parks [...]