The Tasmanian Naturalist


The Tasmanian Naturalist

Published annually, The Tasmanian Naturalist presents articles on all aspects of natural history, with a focus on Tasmania and Tasmanian naturalists, together with views on the management of natural values, in both formal (scientific papers) and informal styles.
The Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club aims to encourage the study of all aspects of natural history and to support the conservation of our natural heritage. Club members are amateurs and professionals with a common interest in the natural world. The journal is a forum for observations on natural history, and views on the management of natural values.
Authorship is unrestricted: Club and non-Club authors, whether local, national or international, are welcome to submit articles.
Published annually, The Tasmanian Naturalist presents articles on all aspects of natural history, with a focus on Tasmania and Tasmanian naturalists, together with views on the management of natural values, in both formal (scientific papers) and informal styles.
The Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club aims to encourage the study of all aspects of natural history and to support the conservation of our natural heritage.
Club members are amateurs and professionals with a common interest in the natural world.
The journal is a forum for observations on natural history, and views on the management of natural values.
Authorship is unrestricted: Club and non-Club authors, whether local, national or international, are welcome to submit articles.

• Please note that a copy of The Tasmanian Naturalist is included in the membership fee.
Join as a Member HERE

• Pre-order the 2024 edition of The Tasmanian Naturalist HERE

• Copies of the 2023 edition may be purchased HERE

• Please contact to enquire about other past issues.

Submit Material for The Tasmanian Naturalist

Submission Guidelines

The deadline for submission of articles for The Tasmanian Naturalist is 31 August each year.

Guidelines for authors
Please read the guidelines for authors before submitting your article.

Download a pdf of guidelines

Further information:


Since June 2021, observations from TFNC excursions have been recorded as projects on iNaturalist.

More observations made on excursions can be added at any time, so it is never too late. If you are familiar with any of the species observed, we would appreciate if you could either agree with the species ID or suggest the possible ID so the observation can become “research quality” and available to other users.

You may also become a member of the TFNC umbrella project to receive notifications from iNaturalist when excursions are updated.