The Save Our Seabirds Project is managed by the Pennicott Foundation as part of their mission to protect our environment for future generations.
The Pennicott Foundation and Friends of Fisher Island (Wildcare Inc) are undertaking a project to eradicate black rats from George Rocks (in the north east of Tasmania) and upgrade the 70 year old Fisher Island research station, established to study and protect seabirds.
The impact of introduced pests on our island wildlife can be devastating. Introduced rodents, particularly black rats, are known to decimate island wildlife populations, especially seabirds. At George Rocks, black rats have wiped out the island’s population of white-faced storm-petrels and common diving-petrels.
These are Tasmania’s smallest seabirds and they rely on predator-free islands to lay eggs and raise their chicks. These seabirds have no defences against rats and they urgently need assistance to re-claim their precious land.