
Long time members of the TFNC Sib and Keith Corbett have each been awarded the Order of Australia Medal for ‘Services to Conservation and the Environment’ on the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours List.

In recent times they led the 2022 TFNC Easter Camp to the West Coast and February 2023’s overnight excursion to the Vale of Belvoir.

Sib’s citation listed some of her greatest contributions:

  1. Botanist and vegetation mapper with Tasmanian Government;
  2. Former president of Australian Plants Society Tasmania & life member since 1988;
  3. Former secretary of Tasmanian Bushland Garden;
  4. Life Member of Tasmanian Land Conservancy since 2019;
  5. Contribution to TFNC;
  6. Author, Vegetation of the Central Plateau: Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area; and
  7. Co-Author, The Vegetation of Rocky Cape National Park.

Keith’s citation listed some of his accomplishments:

  1. Former president of Australian Plants Society Tasmania & life member since 2010;
  2. Current president of Tasmanian Bushland Garden;
  3. Life Member of Tasmanian Land Conservancy since 2019;
  4. Contribution to TFNC (including articles for The Tasmanian Naturalist);
  5. Geologist for 60 years and still active in the Tasmanian Geoconservation Database Reference Group;
  6. Author and co-author of over 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers on Tasmanian geology;
  7. Co-author, Geological Evolution of Tasmania; and Author, Child of Gondwana: The Geological Making of Tasmania.

The club is lucky to have members who have achieved so much and are able to contribute their time and effort. We always enjoy their company, their leadership, and their insightful understanding of the nature around us.

Congratulations Sib and Keith!