Quollity & Quantity, the past, present & future of eastern quolls in Tasmania – Dave Hamilton

Quollity & Quantity, the past, present & future of eastern quolls in Tasmania – Dave Hamilton

206 206 people viewed this event.

Time and Place:
Thursday 3rd April
7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start
UTAS Sandy Bay Campus in the Law Building Seminar Room (Room 132)

The eastern quoll is a nationally endangered marsupial, which has been declining at different rates across Tasmania since the turn of the century. Working with the University of Tasmania, WWF Australia and the Tasmanian Quoll Conservation Program, the Tasmanian Land Conservancy is helping spearhead an innovative research project aimed at understanding and reversing these declines, before the species is pushed to the brink. Using a combination of long-term landscape monitoring and targeted population supplementations, this project will help bolster eastern quolls in their last wild stronghold, while also providing guidelines for future restoration of this species on mainland Australia.

David is a Conservation Ecologist with the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC), as well as an Adjunct Researcher with the University of Tasmania. 

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Date And Time

April 3,2025 @ 07:15 PM



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