About Us

About Us

Who are we?
Sometimes known as the Tas Field Nats, we are comprised of both amateurs and professionals who share a common interest in the natural world.
Experts in a particular topic not only pass on their knowledge to others, but find themselves learning about related aspects of their particular interest. The only requirement of members is an active interest in the natural world.
The club was formed in 1904, and we are associated with other Field Naturalist Clubs throughout Tasmania and beyond.
What are our aims?
We encourage the study of all aspects of natural history and advocate the conservation of our natural heritage.
Our journal, The Tasmanian Naturalist, is published annually and our quarterly information Bulletin covers forthcoming activities.
When do we meet?
Our monthly meetings usually include a guest speaker who provides an illustrated talk on a topic of their expertise or particular interest. Question time usually follows, and the line of inquiry usually extends to the excursion on the following Saturday or Sunday at a site relevant to the topic of the previous talk. Members’ observations of significant sightings are raised and discussed. A report of the previous excursions is also provided.
A Members’ night is held annually at which members are encouraged to participate in ‘show-and-tell’ or to give short Powerpoint presentations.
We meet on the first Thursday of each month (except January) at 7.15pm for 7.30pm.
Talks and meetings are held at UTAS Sandy Bay Campus in the Law Building Seminar Room (Room 132) located off Grosvenor Crescent near the University sports grounds. Being held after university open hours, meetings use the back entrance to the building, located off the laneway on the northern side of the building.
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Excursions are held on the following Saturday or Sunday.
Talks and Excursions
For details of upcoming talks and excursions please visit the Events page.
Registration for the particular talks and excursion are not mandatory (unless stated in a particular event). We do ask that guests register, so it can help give us an idea of how many to expect.